Psst! Don't tell anyone we're buying the Nortel Enterprise business!

Nortel Networks CorporationImage via Wikipedia

No, really. Don't. Say. Anything.

The Intertubes will never find out ;)

Nortel Networks Corp. was close to a deal last night to sell one of its key businesses to rival Avaya Inc.
Nortel and Avaya cleared one of the last major hurdles on Thursday and the two were near to signing the paperwork on a deal, worth as much as $500-million (U.S.), a source familiar with the situation said.

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Google Voice

Google Voice muy pronto!Image by marcopako  via Flickr

Google, Google, Google... Do you REALLY want to put us all out of a job? (No, not really going to happen, but read on. They're on to something - again.)

Haaaaave you met Google Voice? :)

One of these days, it is going to raise it's ugly head.
With a single number to rule them all - with multiple phones that will ring, voicemail you can monitor and get transcribed into an e-mail, SMSes that, if they arrive to your Google Voice number can be forwarded to multiple mobiles, personalised greetings, phone-switching mid-call... All things that have up to now been the domain of the (enterprise grade) VoIP PBX - Asterisk in the free/SMB enviroment, ours and Ciscos and everybody elses offerings in the SMB/Enterprise. We've had Skype, and we've had multitudes of VoIP service providers - and now, we add Google. Did anyone notice the proverbial elephant on the proverbial 19-inch rack?

It's going to be - LEGEN-wait-for-it-DARY. Not just the service (and, I must confess, I'm a GoogleFan, to the point of using a T-Mobile G1, which means that I'm signing up the moment it's made available), but also in helping everyone to "bringig VoIP and advanced telecoms services to the masses". And yes, there will be challenges all of us vendors are going to have - hopefully only from a bigger awareness of the VoIP technology and our collective offerings that will spring more sales in the enterprise market, but, very likely, we're also going to start hearing things like "if Google does all of this for free, why should I pay multiple tens of thousands to you" from customers - I can just see a small company going "all Google"... Google Mail on their domain for E-mail, Google Apps for data sharing, the new Google Sites for a cut-down version of Sharepoint, and, yep, you've guessed it - Google Voice for their phone needs.

It's not all bleak though - thank R&D and marketing we now have Avaya Aura - more at, but I'll post some comments on it in the next few days as well - to respond to the new challenger in the field. And I think they're going to put up a fight.

As an end note, I'm waiting to see the pricing structure. Dave, Sergey, please don't make it too cheap? :)
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PM Jokes :)

Light at the end of the tunnelImage by mayakamina via Flickr

What does the project manager miss the most at a kick-off meeting?
~The invitation

5 quick anecdotes from a veteran project manager to a novice at their company -
  • While you are here, on your keyboard of life, always keep one finger on the escape key
  • Don’t get too excited with a pat on the back. It is only a few centimeters from a kick in the butt
  • Remember, you don’t have an attitude problem; someone else has a perception problem
  • Grow to love deadlines, especially the whooshing sound they make as they go flying by
  • Accept that on some days you are the pigeon, but on most days…you are the statue

And the best one:

A fitting plaque for the PMO director’s desk in these crazy economic times?
  • The light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off due to budget cuts

Now, my personal comment for that one would be:
"The light at the end of the tunnel is an oncoming train." ;)

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Avaya Inc.Image via Wikipedia

I have to post this (although it isn't project management per se). Some times, even in "these troubled times", things manage to surprise and delight me - and one of them is the AvayaGeek webpage - a nicely presented site with info about our products, tutorials on a few of them, news about the company, etc... And... it's got our cool commercials! YAY! :)

The only thing I'm not sure about is the link to the Amazon store (and this is also why I'm not sure if it's ours - meaning Avaya Corporate - or not). I mean, really why'd we tout this as a IPT/Software buy? :) We're not even on the damn stockmarket anymore :)

The Naked Trader: How Anyone Can Make Money Trading Shares
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