More of the same old "best project management software" thing!

Microsoft Project ScreenshotImage via Wikipedia

Hello reader(s)!

Gina Trapani, of Lifehacker fame, asked her Twitter Swarm (hey, if you want to follow me for some reason, find "dglumac") the same question I discussed a few months back.
As she actually has a following, where I have a - well, the "dirty dozen" - the answers she got were much more off the beaten track - some surprising even me, and I've seen project management done with notepad.exe and the windows calendar that pops up when you double-slick on the clock in the bottom right corner.

"Out of the 97 replies I did get, 17 said they use 37 Signals’ Basecamp (and gave it an 8 out of 10 average rating), 12 said they used Microsoft Project (it averaged a 6.6 out of 10 rating), and, interestingly, 9 people said they like Things (which averaged a 7.7 rating) and OmniFocus (which got a rating of 9), both for Mac OS X."

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